Introduction to MetaScyra

Welcome to MetaScyra, the safe haven in the Metaverse for any and all projects.

What is MetaScyra?

MetaScyra was created by the Amazons of Themiscyra when they traveled to the Metaverse to fight against The Centralised Powers. It is a land that welcomes all, valuing community above all. Any NFT project can join MetaScyra, creating intricate partnerships and an army unlike any seen before.

We are believers that the growth of the Metaverse is inevitable, and in order to build a growing and strong community, we need to cement partnerships and drive engagement in innovative ways.

Our growth model of consistent development and increasing supply via partner collections ensures that each new collection released maintains unique properties that add utility and purpose to MetaScyra as a whole. Every point that is in this whitepaper is intricately linked to each other.

Who is behind MetaScyra?

Rosett, and husband Mike, are the two core founders behind the project. They have worked in the Dungeons and Dragons Industry for roughly half a decade, with their company MapHammer. For any avid D&D fans and players, you will recognize their work with high quality maps and art.

Rosett was inspired to step out of her comfort zone of drawing fantasy-art characters by several influences; the manga Battle Angel Alita, Netflix show Arcane, band K/DA and song GIANTS. She was also inspired by the aesthetics of the game Cyberpunk 2077, having looked deeper at it after her nephew demanded it for Christmas! She decided to focus on using line art for her characters and slowly brought them to life!

The entire art process for the Origin MetaScyrans took 4-5 months to complete. Bringing the MetaScyrans to the world of Web3 was truly a dream come to life.

Why MetaScyra?

Whilst we cannot capture MetaScyra in just a few bullet is an attempted TLDR:

  • The dream of a unified metaverse

  • Women-founded & led by @rosett_eth

  • Heavy focus on lore and world-immersion

  • Utility driven tokenomics to drive in-game ecosystem

  • Ever-evolving narratively, aesthetically & mechanically

  • Strategic partnerships that contribute to the development and expansion of MetaScyra

  • Continue reading to dive into the details.....

Last updated